yachts docked in Florida


What Is the Purpose of Foam on the Boat?

The foam requirements for boats are based on one primary concern, and that is safety. Boating is all about enjoying your time on the water, and the safety of everyone on board is paramount, which makes remaining compliant with governmental foam regulations key. As an added bonus, the extra foam can also make your craft ride more smoothly. Well-established Florida marine insulation specialists can help you get up to code and safely back on the water.

Foam Requirements

The Coast Guard sets safety requirements for recreational vessels, and they tend to evolve over time. However, the regulations for vessels that are under the 20-foot mark remained virtually unchanged from 1984 until 2018 – when a major update was announced. At this point, the Coast Guard doubled down on the need for foam as a boat flotation mechanism and increased the amount required.

Safety First

Over time, boat engines have evolved, and in the process, they have become larger and heavier. To maintain the same standard of safety achieved with past requirements, the amount of foam needed has been increased. The updated weight foam regulations require boat manufacturers to add an additional one to two cubic feet of foam flotation for vessels under 20 feet. In addition to enhancing your vessel’s positive buoyancy, this increase in foam can also increase its structural integrity.

Additional Benefits

It should be noted that, in addition to making your boating experience safer, the extra foam required comes with benefits like the following:

Foam insulation goes well beyond making your boat more seaworthy, but safety should always be your primary concern.

If Your Boat Was Manufactured Prior to June 1, 2018, It’s Grandfathered In

If your boat was manufactured prior to June 1, 2018, it’s grandfathered in, and you’re not required to have the amount of foam flotation in it increased. Doing so, however, can provide you with the peace of mind you are looking for when you’re out on the water doing your thing and can improve your ride while you’re doing it.

Work with Florida Marine Insulation Specialists to Make Your Boat Safer and More Efficient

The marine insulation pros at NextGen Marine are committed to helping boat owners like you make their vessels as safe as they can be, which includes keeping up with all governmental safety requirements regarding foam insulation. Our impressive experience, technical skill, and high-quality foam products make us an excellent resource if you are in the market to improve your boating experience and bolster your safety. To learn more about what we can do to enhance your craft, don’t put off reaching out and contacting us online or calling 954-789-3665 today.

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