yachts docked in Florida


Why Should I Choose NextGen Marine for My Installation Needs?

Keeping your yacht sailing smoothly over the water is critical, and a big part of this is keeping it in excellent running condition. At NextGen, we offer comprehensive services that include professional installation, which affords our customers the peace of mind that comes from knowing the work is done right.

Chilled and Hot Water Line Insulation

The insulation of both cold and hot water lines matters for a range of primary reasons that include the following:

When it comes to chilled and hot water line insulation, the details matter, and installation is complex. NextGen Marine is here for you.

Bulkhead and Overhead Insulation

Effective insulation plays a key role in the overall comfort level of your vessel, and products like Rockwool and others that we work with extensively, including glass wool, help to manage both condensation and moisture on board. When you go with our professional installation services, you can rest assured that your insulation needs are well taken care of.


When you’re on the water, there is a powerful engine guiding your vessel, and the noise and vibrations it generates can be deafening. Because this is in addition to the sound of the sea itself, soundproofing is essential to enjoying your experience on the water to the fullest. At NextGen, we take soundproofing seriously, and we have the finesse to seamlessly install our highly effective products without infringing unnecessarily on your valuable space.

Pipe Lagging

Pipe lagging insulates your yacht’s pipes from the heat that passes through them, which plays a pivotal role in the overall safety of your vessel and in maximizing its performance. This insulation helps to reduce heat loss and condensation and, when effectively installed, increases energy efficiency. Reach out to NextGen for the installation expertise you’re looking for.


Following the regulations set forth by Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) is paramount to your safety, which makes it of primary importance. Keeping your vessel compliant from bow to stern is the surest means of staying safe on the water, and professional installation of your insulation needs can go a long way toward ensuring that your boat either meets or exceeds every current SOLAS regulation. At NextGen, we never lose sight of safety and ensure that every installation job we do focuses on providing professional services that align with your requirements and make your safety priority number one.

Turn to a Trusted Florida Marine Installation Services Company for Professional Guidance

NextGen Marine offers a full range of high-quality products for your vessel – along with the professional installation services you need to ensure the job is done correctly and safely from the start. When it comes to your boat, professional installation is always the best policy, and we have the expertise, experience, and focus on safety to make it the best it can be. Learn more about the professional installation services we offer by contacting us online or calling 954-789-3665 today.

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